Monday, September 30, 2013

Dusting off the blog (again!)

With Papa away on orders this has been a very busy summer and the blog has been neglected, sorry folks! With the transition into fall I have a bit more free time so I'll be posting on a more regular basis and covering some topics I thought I'd be covering over the summer. 

Putting Food By

As of now I'm pretty much done with canning for the season, we managed to put away tomatoes, squash, beans, meats, jelly this summer. I also oven canned some dry goods as I found them on sale so we have brown and white rice, grits and beans put up that way. You'll notice there isn't any wheat on that list which is abnormal for most preparedness folks but Baby has a wheat allergy so we're now a gluten free house. We gave away our stash of noodles and flour to a friend and it's slowly being replaced with gluten free items. As of now it's not quite where I'd like it to be but I think by the end of October we should have it built back up to a 6 week supply just like everything else. 

Now I know you're thinking to yourself, "But Mama, you said shelving was at a premium, where are you putting everything?". Well dear reader, I bought a shelving unit for the laundry room to replace out cobbled together monstrosity and it's great! Having a nice looking dedicated place for food has actually made me better about stocking a rotating. Our new shelf combined with my new shopping habits has made our pantry much better stocked and I'm very glad for it. We're now up to a full six weeks of meals not including the MRE's (ugh!) and I've been working on extending this as sales and coupons permit. We were very thankful for our food stores this past week as the threat of not being paid due to the government shutdown loomed over us. Thankfully Congress (with whom I am not pleased) passed a bill saying active duty soldiers would still get paid so we're fine. Had they not we would have still been fine for two months, but no one needs that kind of stress in their lives, you know? We prepare so that we won't be as stressed in times of crisis, but still, I'm a worrier. 

Well, it's good to be back writing again, I'm going to do my best to keep it up, wish me luck!

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