Whoever built our house apparently did not believe in storing more than 20 minutes worth of food. Seriously. We have two cupboards. Two. One on each side of the sink, it is sad. One holds plates, cups bowls etc. and the other holds open food storage items like oatmeal, grits, peanut butter etc. To combat the complete lack of pantry we had to make a pantry out of the laundry room, I affectionately refer to it as my throw away pantry because it's composed nearly entirely of shelving other people were going to throw away. Shelving is a loose term here, we have a 4ft bookcase, a plastic corner shelving unit and what used to be a cabinet that we removed the door on and braced the back with a spare piece of wood to make it steady. Ghetto, yes, functional, darn right!
I usually try to post pictures with everything but I'm actually kind of loathe to post pictures of my 'pantry' (loose term again) because of how terrible the shelving looks, I'm kind of vain like that. The point of this post isn't to lament the sad state of my shelving but to point out that with a little ingenuity you can turn unwanted things into something useful! Over the next few months I'll be remodeling the pantry and hopefully buying a rotating can storage system and installing shelving, but for now I'm happy with my makeshift pantry and its ability to store my food.